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FOCI (version 0.1.3)

foci: Variable selection by the FOCI algorithm


FOCI is a variable selection algorithm based on the measure of conditional dependence codec.


  num_features = NULL,
  stop = TRUE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  standardize = "scale",
  numCores = parallel::detectCores(),
  parPlat = "none",
  printIntermed = TRUE



Vector of responses (length n)


Matrix of predictors (n by p)


Number of variables to be selected, cannot be larger than p. The default value is NULL and in that case it will be set equal to p. If stop == TRUE (see below), then num_features is irrelevant.


Stops at the first instance of negative codec, if TRUE.


Removes NAs if TRUE.


Standardize covariates if set equal to "scale" or "bounded". Otherwise will use the raw inputs. The default value is "scale" and normalizes each column of X to have mean zero and variance 1. If set equal to "bounded" map the values of each column of X to [0, 1].


Number of cores that are going to be used for parallelizing the variable selecction process.


Specifies the parallel platform to chunk data by rows. It can take three values: 1- The default value is set to 'none', in which case no row chunking is done; 2- the parallel cluster to be used for row chunking; 3- "locThreads", specifying that row chunking will be done via threads on the host machine.


The default value is TRUE, in which case print intermediate results from the cluster nodes before final processing.


An object of class "foci", with attributes selectedVar, showing the selected variables in decreasing order of (conditional) predictive power, and stepT, listing the 'codec' values. Typically the latter will begin to level off at some point, with additional marginal improvements being small.


FOCI is a forward stepwise algorithm that uses the conditional dependence coefficient (codec) at each step, instead of the multiple correlation coefficient as in ordinary forward stepwise. If stop == TRUE, the process is stopped at the first instance of nonpositive codec, thereby selecting a subset of variables. Otherwise, a set of covariates of size num_features, ordered according to predictive power (as measured by codec) is produced.

Parallel computation:

The computation can be lengthy, so the package offers two kinds of parallel computation.

The first, controlled by the argument numCores, specifies the number of cores to be used on the host machine. If at a given step there are k candidate variables under consideration for inclusion, these k tasks are assigned to the various cores.

The second approach, controlled by the argument parPlat ("parallel platform"), involves the user first setting up a cluster via the parallel package. The data are divided into chunks by rows, with each cluster node applying FOCI to its data chunk. The union of the results is then formed, and fed through FOCI one more time to adjust the discrepancies. The idea is that that last step will not be too lengthy, as the number of candidate variables has already been reduced. A cluster size of r may actually produce a speedup factor of more than r (Matloff 2016).

Potentially the best speedup is achieved by using the two approaches together.

The first approach cannot be used on Windows platforms, as parallel::mcapply has no effect. Windows users should thus use the second approach only.

In addition to speed, the second approach is useful for diagnostics, as the results from the different chunks gives the user an idea of the degree of sampling variability in the FOCI results.

In the second approach, a random permutation is applied to the rows of the dataset, as many datasets are sorted by one or more columns.

Note that if a certain value of a feature is rare in the full dataset, it may be absent entirely in some chunk.


Azadkia, M. and Chatterjee, S. (2019). A simple measure of conditional dependence. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.12327.pdf.

Matloff, N. (2016). Software Alchemy: Turning Complex Statistical Computations into Embarrassingly-Parallel Ones. J. of Stat. Software.

See Also

codec, xicor


Run this code
# Example 1
n = 1000
p = 100
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
colnames(x) = paste0(rep("x", p), seq(1, p))
y <- x[, 1] * x[, 10] + x[, 20]^2
# with num_features equal to 3 and stop equal to FALSE, foci will give a list of
# three selected features
result1 = foci(y, x, num_features = 3, stop = FALSE, numCores = 1)
# Example 2
# same example, but stop according to the stopping rule
result2 = foci(y, x, numCores = 1)
# }
# Windows use of multicore
cls <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
foci(y, x, parPlat = cls)
# run on physical cluster
cls <- makePSOCKcluster('machineA','machineB')
foci(y, x, parPlat = cls)
# }

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