Takes a SpatialPointsDataFrame and converts it into SpatialPolygonsDataFrame by constructing a tiny (within machine tolerance) BAU around each SpatialPoint.
BAUs_from_points(obj, offset = 1e-10)
# S4 method for SpatialPoints
BAUs_from_points(obj, offset = 1e-10)
# S4 method for ST
BAUs_from_points(obj, offset = 1e-10)
object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
edge size of the mini-BAU (default 1e-10)
This function allows users to mimic standard geospatial analysis where BAUs are not used. Since FRK is built on the concept of a BAU, this function constructs tiny BAUs around the observation and prediction locations that can be subsequently passed on to the functions SRE and FRK. With BAUs_from_points, the user supplies both the data and prediction locations accompanied with covariates.
See Also
auto_BAUs for automatically constructing generic BAUs.