Specific utilities for pretty printing various items in a knitr document.
kCounts(value, capitalize = FALSE)kPvalue(value, digits = 4, include.p = TRUE, latex = TRUE)
out.dir = NULL,
newname = NULL,
topnotes = NULL,
moreItems = NULL,
blanks = c("extra", "all", "none"),
delHeader = NULL,
timestamp = TRUE,
out = c("r", "markdown", "latex"),
rqrdPkgs = NULL,
elapsed = NULL,
width = 0.95 * getOption("width"),
addTOC = TRUE,
newpage = FALSE,
links = NULL,
closeGraphics = TRUE,
ind = 1
returns a numeric value if the count is less than zero or greater than ten and returns a character string of the number ‘name’. See the examples.
returns a character string of the supplied p-value rounded to the requested number of digits or a character string that indicates what the p-value is less than the value with a ‘5’ in the digits
+1 place. See the examples.
is a modification of purl
from knitr that creates a file with the same name as file
but with lines removed that contain certain words (those found in ItemsToRemove
and moreItems
returns Markdown, LaTeX, or R code that prints “reproducibility information” at the bottom of the knitted document.
A single numeric count or p-value.
A logical that indicates if the returned words should be capitalized or not (the default).
Number of decimal places to round the values to.
A logical that indicates whether the result should be a character string with “p=” appended to the numerical result.
A logical that indicates whether the resultant p-value string should be contained within dollar signs to form a latex formula.
A string that contains the root name of the .RNW file. This will also be the name of the resultant purled file with .R appended.
A string that indicates the directory structure in which the purled file should be located. This should not have a forward slash at the end.
A string for the output filename (without the extension) from purl2
A character vector of lines to be added to the top of the output file. Each value in the vector will be placed on a single line at the top of the output file.
A string that contains additional words that when found in the purled file will result in the entire line with those words to be deleted.
A string that indicates if blank lines should be removed. If blanks="all"
then all blank lines will be removed. If blanks="extra"
then only “extra” blanks lines will be removed (i.e., one blank line will be left where there was originally more than one blank line).
A single character that denotes the top and bottom of a block of lines that should be deleted from the script created by purl2
A logical that indicates whether a timestamp comment should be appended to the bottom of the script created by purl2
Additional arguments for the original purl
A string that indicates the type of output from reproInfo
-- Markdown, LaTeX, or simple R code.
A string vector that contains packages that are required for the vignette and for which all dependencies should be found.
A numeric, usually from proc.time
, that is the time required to run the vignette. If NULL
then this output will not be used. See the note below.
A numeric that indicates the width to use for wrapping the reproducibility information when out="r"
A logical that indicates whether or not a table of contents entry for the reproducibility section should be added to the LaTeX output. Used only if out="latex"
A logical that indicates whether or not the reproducibility information should begin on a new page. Used only if out="latex"
A named character vector that will add a links bullet to the reproducibility information. The names will be shown and the values are the links. Used only if out="markdown"
A logical that indicates whether the graphics device should be closed or not.
An integer that indicates the CRAN mirror to use. Defaults to 1.
Derek H. Ogle, DerekOgle51@gmail.com
is used to convert numeric numbers to ‘word’ numbers in a sentence.
is used to print ‘pretty’ p-values.
is used to create a modified (see below) Stangled or purled script.
is used to print ‘reproducibility information’ for the document.
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