A data frame with 1543 observations on the following 13 variables.
- fish
A fish identification number. Unique within a year but not across years.
- yearcap
Year the fish was captured.
- ce
A factor denoting capture gear (C
=commercial and E
=experimental nets).
- agecap
Age of fish at capture.
- lencap
Length of fish at capture.
- inc1
Scale measurement to first annulus.
- inc2
Scale measurement between first and second annulus.
- inc3
Scale measurement between second and third annulus.
- inc4
Scale measurement between third and fourth annulus.
- inc5
Scale measurement between fourth and fifth annulus.
- inc6
Scale measurement between fifth and sixth annulus.
- inc7
Scale measurement between sixth and seventh annulus.
- radcap
Scale radius at time of capture