Performs Generalised Procrustes Analysis (GPA) that takes into account missing values.
GPA(df, tolerance=10^-10, nbiteration=200, scale=TRUE,
group, = NULL, graph = TRUE, axes = c(1,2))
a data frame with n rows (individuals) and p columns (quantitative varaibles)
a threshold with respect to which the algorithm stops, i.e. when the difference between
the GPA loss function at step n and n+1 is less than tolerance
the maximum number of iterations until the algorithm stops
a boolean, if TRUE (which is the default value) scaling is required
a vector indicating the number of variables in each group
a vector indicating the name of the groups (the groups are successively named group.1, group.2 and so on, by default)
boolean, if TRUE a graph is displayed
a length 2 vector specifying the components to plot
A list containing the following components:
a matrix of RV coefficients between partial configurations
a matrix of standardized RV coefficients between partial configurations
a matrix of Procrustes similarity indexes between partial configurations
a vector of isotropic scaling factors
an array of initial partial configurations
a matrix of consensus configuration
an array of partial configurations after transformations
correlation matrix between initial partial configurations and consensus dimensions
a list of "Procrustes Analysis of Variance" tables, per assesor (config), per product(objet), per dimension (dimension)
Performs a Generalised Procrustes Analysis (GPA) that takes into account missing values:
some data frames of df
may have non described or non evaluated rows, i.e. rows with missing
values only.
The algorithm used here is the one developed by Commandeur.
Commandeur, J.J.F (1991) Matching configurations.DSWO press, Leiden University. Dijksterhuis, G. & Punter, P. (1990) Interpreting generalized procrustes analysis "Analysis of Variance" tables, Food Quality and Preference, 2, 255--265 Gower, J.C (1975) Generalized Procrustes analysis, Psychometrika, 40, 33--50 Kazi-Aoual, F., Hitier, S., Sabatier, R., Lebreton, J.-D., (1995) Refined approximations to permutations tests for multivariate inference. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 20, 643--656 Qannari, E.M., MacFie, H.J.H, Courcoux, P. (1999) Performance indices and isotropic scaling factors in sensory profiling, Food Quality and Preference, 10, 17--21
res.gpa <- GPA(wine[,-(1:2)], group=c(5,3,10,9,2),"olf","vis","olfag","gust","ens"))
### If you want to construct the partial points for some individuals only
plotGPApartial (res.gpa)
# }
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