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FastHCS (version 0.0.7)

FastHCS-package: Package implementing the FastHCS robust PCA algorithm.


Uses the FastHCS algorithm to compute a robust PCA model.



Package: FastHCS
Type: Package
Version: 0.1
Date: 2013-01-13
Suggests: mvtnorm
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes


compPcaParams            Internal function used to compute the FastHCS PCA model parameters.
DnaAlteration            Cytosine methylation beta values for a sample of 198 
                         non-pathological human tissue specimens.
FastHCS                  Function to compute the FastHCS outlyingness index for 
                         high-dimensional data-sets.
FHCSnumStarts            Computes the number of starting subsets for the FastHCS algorithm.
FHCSkernelEVD            Reduces the data space to the affine subspace spanned by the
                         \code{n} observations.
FHCSpsdo	         Computes the pseudo Stahel Donoho based PCA estimates.
MultipleFeatures         Fourier coefficients describing the shape of many hand written
                         replications of the numerals '0' and '1'.
plot.FastHCS             PCA diagnostic plot for object of class FastHCS.
quanf                    Internal function used to compute the size of the h-subsets used in
                         FastHCS based on the input parameter alpha.
signFlip                 Performs the sign flip operation on a matrix of loadings.
Tablets                  Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of a sample of 310 tablets.