SAtree.from.fossils: Transforms a tree and fossils dataframe to a combined SA tree.
Sampled ancestors are represented as tips on zero-length edges to maintain compatibility with the ape format.
Tip labels are set to "species id"_"index", where the most recent tip of a given species receives index 1 and indices increase towards the past.
Transforms a tree and fossils dataframe to a combined SA tree.
Sampled ancestors are represented as tips on zero-length edges to maintain compatibility with the ape format.
Tip labels are set to "species id"_"index", where the most recent tip of a given species receives index 1 and indices increase towards the past.
SAtree.from.fossils(tree, fossils)
A list of `tree`, the SA tree integrating the fossils, and `fossils`, the fossils object updated with the tip label of each sample.