phimax(7, 2) ## 16 2fis can be clear, if 128 run full factorial is blocked
## into 32 blocks of size 2^2=4
## X matrices for blocking full factorials
## do not care about which factors have which role
X_from_profile(7, 2, c(3,2,2))
# X_from_profile(7, 2, c(2,2,3)) returns same matrix
## ensure specific partition, i.e. specific requirement CIG to be accommodated
X <- X_from_parts(7, 2, parts=list(c("A","D","F"), c("B","G"), c("C","E")))
## blocked full factorial
## using colpick
## estimable in standard letters
requ <- c("BA", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BJ")
## estimability requirement in factor names
fn <- Letters[15:23] ## P to X
requfn <- requ
requfn <- sapply(1:8, function(obj) gsub(Letters[obj], fn[obj], requfn[obj]))
## obtain X matrix for accommodating estimability requirement in 9-4.2
(aus <- colpick("9-4.2", 2, estimable=requ))
## obtain the same matrix manually with Xcalc
XI <- aus$X[,1:5]
## obtain the same matrix manually with Xcalc
all(Xcalc(XI, catlg["9-4.2"])==aus$X)
## inspect X matrices generated from XI
Xcalc(XI, catlg[nruns(catlg)==32 & nfac(catlg)==9 & res(catlg)>=4])
## factor permutation needed
## calculate block generators
blockgencreate(aus$X, p=4)
## automatic creation from the design 9-4.2 uses these block generators
summary(FrF2(32, 9, blocks=8, estimable=requ, factor.names=fn,
alias.block.2fis = TRUE, select.catlg = catlg["9-4.2"]),
## can also be reproduced manually (internal function invperm does the permuting)
summary(FrF2(design="9-4.2", blocks=blockgencreate(aus$X, p=4),
alias.block.2fis = TRUE),
# }
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