### there are several success stories and recommendations for this method
### in the simulated example here (not fabricated,
### it was the first one that came to my mind),
### the method goes wrong, at least when using mInt=2 (the default, because
### Daniel plots work quite well for pure main effects models):
### active factors are A to E (perhaps too many for the method to work),
### the method identifies F, J, and L with highest probability
### (but is quite undecided)
plan <- pb(12)
dn <- desnum(plan)
y <- dn%*%c(2,2,2,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0) + dn[,1]*dn[,3]*2 - dn[,5]*dn[,4] + rnorm(12)/10
plan.r <- add.response(plan, response=y)
if (requireNamespace("BsMD", quiet=TRUE)){
plot(bpmInt2 <- BsProb.design(plan.r), code=FALSE)
plot(bpmInt1 <- BsProb.design(plan.r, mInt=1), code=FALSE) ## much better!
### For comparison: A Daniel plot does not show any significant effects according
### to Lenths method, but makes the right effects stick out
DanielPlot(plan.r, half=TRUE, alpha=1)
# }
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