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FrF2 (version 2.2-3)

makecatlg: Function for creating a class catlg catalogue from a vector of generators


creates a class catlg catalogue with a single element for use in functions colpick or FrF2


makecatlg(k, gen)



number of base factors spanning a full factorial with the desired number of runs


generators as a numeric vector of Yates column numbers


The function returns a list of class catlg with a single element.


If generators are available in a different format, they must be transformed to Yates column numbers.

For a character vector genc with elements like ABC, ADE, etc., a code for obtaining Yates columns with order preserved is sapply(1:length(genc), function(obj) which(names(Yates)==genc[obj])) (a solution with which applied to the entire vector at once does not preserve the order).

Yet different formats like 123, 145, etc., can e.g. be preprocessed by picking the suitable elements from Letters, e.g. paste(Letters[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit("123","")))],collapse="").

See Also

See also FrF2


Run this code
## Xu's fraction 13-5.2
genXu <- c(127, 143, 179, 85, 150)
catXu <- makecatlg(k=8, genXu)
colpick(catXu, q=2) ## Godolphin blocking into blocks of size 4 yields 56 clear 2fis
FrF2(256, 13, blocks=64, alias.block.2fis=TRUE, select.catlg=catXu)
# }

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