Check if $$a_{ik} = a_{ij} \times a_{jk}$$ applies for all \(i,j,k = 1,2,\dots,n\), where \(n\) is size of \(a\).
strictConsistency(PairwiseComparisonMatrix, = TRUE)# S4 method for FuzzyPairwiseComparisonMatrix
strictConsistency(PairwiseComparisonMatrix, = TRUE)
# S4 method for PairwiseComparisonMatrix
strictConsistency(PairwiseComparisonMatrix, = TRUE)
Optional boolean parameter stating if short report should be printed along with determination
of Weak Consistency. Default value is TRUE
Boolean value indicating if Comparison Matrix passed the weak consistency test and a warning message listing the problematic triplets if the matrix is not consisten.