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GABi (version 0.1)

getFitnesses.basic: Basic Bicluster Fitness Function


A fitness function for the GABi biclustering framework, based on the simple principle that the larger the dense submatrix, the more interesting it is to discover.




Numeric vector representing a GA solution to the biclustering problem (i.e. a subset of the columns from x across which to look for the pattern).




A fitness function is fundamental to the success of a GA. In this case, getFitnesses.basic evaluates the desirability of biclusters by multiplying the number of columns from dataset x (argument for function GABi) that displaying a consistent block of 1s involving the features that are observed to fit this pattern. Makes use of fitnessArgs a list of parameters in the environment of execution of the biclustering function GABi. Notably, the element consistency is used to apply a stringency threshold for selecting features (i.e. only those with the proportion of high values across the subset of samples being greater than consistency).