p <- 100 # number of variables
n <- 50 # sample size
# Simulate data
simulation <- simulateData(G = p, etaA = 0.02, n = n, r = 1)
data <- simulation$data[[1L]]
stddata <- scale(x = data, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# estimate ridge parameter
lambda.array <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 20, by = 0.1) * (n-1.0)
fit <- lambda.cv(x = stddata, lambda = lambda.array, fold = 10L)
lambda <- fit$lambda[which.min(fit$spe)]/(n-1)
# calculate partial correlation
# using ridge inverse
w.upper <- which(upper.tri(diag(p)))
partial <- solve(lambda * diag(p) + cor(data))
partial <- (-scaledMat(x = partial))[w.upper]
# get p-values from empirical
# null distribution
efron.fit <- getEfronp(z = transFisher(x = partial),
bins = 50L,
maxQ = 13)
# estimate the edge set of
# partial correlation graph with
# FDR control at level 0.01
w.array <- which(upper.tri(diag(p)),arr.ind=TRUE)
th <- 0.01
wsig <- which(p.adjust(efron.fit$correctp, method="BH") < th )
E <- w.array[wsig,]
# structured estimation
fit <- structuredEstimate(x = stddata, E = E)
th.partial <- fit$R
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