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This function is used when axisLabels == "internal".
axisLabels == "internal"
ggally_diagAxis( data, mapping, label = mapping$x, labelSize = 5, labelXPercent = 0.5, labelYPercent = 0.55, labelHJust = 0.5, labelVJust = 0.5, gridLabelSize = 4, ... )
dataset being plotted
aesthetics being used (x is the variable the plot will be made for)
title to be displayed in the middle. Defaults to mapping$x
size of variable label
percent of horizontal range
percent of vertical range
hjust supplied to label
vjust supplied to label
size of grid labels
other arguments for geom_text
# NOT RUN { data(tips, package = "reshape") ggally_diagAxis(tips, ggplot2::aes(x=tip)) ggally_diagAxis(tips, ggplot2::aes(x=sex)) # }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab