Calculates the logarithmic, quadratic/Brier and spherical based on a fitted mixed model for categorical data.
scoring_rules(object, newdata, newdata2 = NULL, max_count = 2000,
return_newdata = FALSE)
A data.frame with (extra) columns the values of the logarithmic, quadratic and spherical
scoring rules calculated based on the fitted model and the observed responses in
or newdata2
an object inheriting from class "MixMod"
a data.frame based on which to estimate the random effect and calculate predictions. It should contain the response variable.
a data.frame based on which to estimate the random effect and calculate predictions. It should contain the response variable.
numeric scalar denoting the maximum count up to which to calculate probabilities; this is relevant for count response data.
logical; if TRUE
the values of the scoring rules are
ruturned as extra columns of the newdata
or newdata2
Dimitris Rizopoulos
Carvalho, A. (2016). An overview of applications of proper scoring rules. Decision Analysis 13, 223--242. doi:10.1287/deca.2016.0337