buildRiskReport(repo, to_update = old.packages(repos = repo_urls),
important_pkgs = installed.packages(lib.loc = liblocs)[, "Package"],
liblocs = .libPaths(), repo_urls = getOption("repos"),
report_file = file.path(destination(repo), "update-risk.html"),
theme = "bootstrap")
The name of a GRAN repository to use. Assumes that a a package named GRAN<repo> is available to load.
vector of package names which may be updated, or a matrix
output from old.packages
. Defaults to all packages which are out of date
list of packages to check for risk of change cascades
from updating the packages in to_update
. Defaults to all installed packages
the library locations to look for installed packages
The repositories to check for new versions of packages
File where HTML report will be written to
CSS theme. bootstrap, foundation, semanticui or jqueryui
none. Writes HTML report with risk assessment
Generates an HTML report identifying which packages have updates available, and which of the specified important packages may be effected by installing those new versions.