readPkgsNEWS(df, oldlib = .libPaths(), tmplib = file.path(tempdir(),
"libloc"), repos = unique(df$Repository), newlib = NULL)
A data.frame or matrix of out-of-date packages currently installed, with columns Package, Installed (installed version), and Repository (contriburl of repo with newer version). Other columns are i gnored.
The currently library to compare against latest avaialble versions
A temporary library directory to install new versions of the packages into so that their NEWS files can be accessed.
A character vector of the repositories to search for newer
versions of packages installed in oldlib
An already populated 'new' library to compare against
instead of retrieving new package versions from repos
A data.frame with 3 counts for each updatable package: bugfixes, u_visible_changes (user visible changes) and deprec (deprecation and defunct entries). All counts are NA if the package does not have parsable NEWS.
Attempts to generate a per-package summary of risky-to-ignore changes for updatable packages.