Derive Effective Rooting Zone depth i.e. an effective depth suitable for plant growth. Usually minimum depth of soil out of three standard rooting depths: limiting soil properties, depth to water-stagnating layer and depth to bedrock.
threshold.LRI=20, srd=150, drain.depths, smooth.LRI=TRUE)
numeric; upper horizon depth in cm
numeric; lower horizon depth in cm
numeric; minimum Limiting Rootability index
factor; FAO drainage class e.g. "V"
, "P"
, "I"
, "M"
, "W"
, "S"
, "E"
numeric; depth to bedrock in cm
numeric; treshold index for LRI
numeric; maximum depth of interest
data.frame; estimate effective rooting depth per drainage class (DRAINFAO
logical; specify whether to smooth LRI values using splines
Returns a vector of effective rooting depth in cm.