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GWASTools (version 1.18.0)

plinkUtils: Utilities to create and check PLINK files


plinkWrite creates ped and map format files (used by PLINK) from a GenotypeData object. plinkCheck checks whether a set of ped and map files has identical data to a GenotypeData object.


plinkWrite(genoData, pedFile="testPlink", family.col="family", individual.col="scanID", father.col="father", mother.col="mother", phenotype.col=NULL, rs.col="rsID", mapdist.col=NULL, scan.exclude=NULL, scan.chromosome.filter=NULL, blockSize=100, verbose=TRUE)
plinkCheck(genoData, pedFile, logFile="plinkCheck.txt", family.col="family", individual.col="scanID", father.col="father", mother.col="mother", phenotype.col=NULL, rs.col="rsID", map.alt=NULL, check.parents=TRUE, check.sex=TRUE, scan.exclude=NULL, scan.chromosome.filter=NULL, verbose=TRUE)


A GenotypeData object with scan and SNP annotation.
prefix for PLINK files (pedFile.ped, pedFile.map)
Name of the output file to log the results of plinkCheck
name of the column in the scan annotation that contains family ID of the sample
name of the column in the scan annotation that contains individual ID of the sample
name of the column in the scan annotation that contains father ID of the sample
name of the column in the scan annotation that contains mother ID of the sample
name of the column in the scan annotation that contains phenotype variable (e.g. case control statue) of the sample
name of the column in the SNP annotation that contains rs ID (or some other ID) for the SNP
name of the column in the SNP annotation that contains genetic distance in Morgans for the SNP
data frame with alternate SNP mapping for genoData to PLINK. If not NULL, this annotation will be used to compare SNP information to the PLINK file, rather than the default conversion from the SNP annotation embedded in genoData. Columns should include "snpID", "rsID", "chromosome", "position".
logical for whether to check the father and mother columns
logical for whether to check the sex column
vector of scanIDs to exclude from PLINK file
a logical matrix that can be used to zero out (set to missing) some chromosomes, some scans, or some specific scan-chromosome pairs. Entries should be TRUE if that scan-chromosome pair should have data in the PLINK file, FALSE if not. The number of rows must be equal to the number of scans in genoData. The column labels must be in the set ("1":"22", "X", "XY", "Y", "M", "U").
Number of samples to read from genoData at a time
logical for whether to show progress information.


plinkCheck returns TRUE if the PLINK files contain identical data to genoData, and FALSE if a mismatch is encountered.


If "alleleA" and "alleleB" columns are not found in the SNP annotation of genoData, genotypes are written as "A A", "A B", "B B" (or "0 0" for missing data).

If phenotype.col=NULL, plinkWrite will use "-9" for writing phenotype data and plinkCheck will omit checking this column.

If mapdist.col=NULL, plinkWrite will use "0" for writing this column in the map file and plinkCheck will omit checking this column.

plinkCheck first reads the map file and checks for SNP mismatches (chromosome, rsID, and/or position). Any mismatches are written to logFile. plinkCheck then reads the ped file line by line, recording all mismatches in logFile. SNPs and sample order is not required to be the same as in genoData. In the case of genotype mismatches, for each sample the log file output gives the position of the first mismatched SNP in the PLINK file, as well as the genotypes of the first six mismatched SNPs (which may not be consecutive).

These utilities convert between chromosome coding in GenotypeData, which by default is 24=XY, 25=Y, and PLINK chromosome coding, which is 24=Y, 25=XY.

Larger blockSize will improve speed but will require more RAM.


Please see http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/data.shtml#ped for more information on the ped and map files.

See Also



Run this code
ncfile <- system.file("extdata", "illumina_geno.nc", package="GWASdata")
data(illuminaSnpADF, illuminaScanADF)
genoData <- GenotypeData(NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile),
  scanAnnot=illuminaScanADF, snpAnnot=illuminaSnpADF)

pedfile <- tempfile()
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile)
logfile <- tempfile()
plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, logfile)

# exclude samples
plinkWrite(genoData, pedfile, scan.exclude=c(281, 283),
plinkCheck(genoData, pedfile, logfile)
#samples not found in Ped:

unlink(c(logfile, paste(pedfile, "*", sep=".")))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab