This function implements mixed (semiparametric) GWR
gwr.mixed(formula, data, regression.points, fixed.vars,
intercept.fixed=FALSE, bw, diagnostic=T, kernel="bisquare",
adaptive=FALSE, p=2, theta=0, longlat=F,dMat, dMat.rp)
A list of class “mgwr”:
a list class object including the model fitting parameters for generating the report file
AICc value from this calibration
effective degree of freedom
residual sum of squares
a SpatialPointsDataFrame (may be gridded), or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object (see package “sp”), or sf object (see package “sf”) integrated with coefficient estimates in its "data" slot.
starting and ending time.
the function call used.
Regression model formula of a formula object
a Spatial*DataFrame, i.e. SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame as defined in package sp, or a sf object defined in package sf
a Spatial*DataFrame object, i.e. SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame as defined in package sp
independent variables that appeared in the formula that are to be treated as global
logical, if TRUE the intercept will be treated as global
bandwidth used in the weighting function, possibly calculated by bw.gwr;fixed (distance) or adaptive bandwidth(number of nearest neighbours)
logical, if TRUE the diagnostics will be calculated
function chosen as follows:
gaussian: wgt = exp(-.5*(vdist/bw)^2);
exponential: wgt = exp(-vdist/bw);
bisquare: wgt = (1-(vdist/bw)^2)^2 if vdist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise;
tricube: wgt = (1-(vdist/bw)^3)^3 if vdist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise;
boxcar: wgt=1 if dist < bw, wgt=0 otherwise
if TRUE calculate an adaptive kernel where the bandwidth (bw) corresponds to the number of nearest neighbours (i.e. adaptive distance); default is FALSE, where a fixed kernel is found (bandwidth is a fixed distance)
the power of the Minkowski distance, default is 2, i.e. the Euclidean distance
an angle in radians to rotate the coordinate system, default is 0
if TRUE, great circle distances will be calculated
a pre-specified distance matrix, it can be calculated by the function gw.dist
a distance matrix when an individual set of regression points are adopted
Binbin Lu
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Nakaya T et al. (2011) GWR4.0,