Calculate a distance vector(matrix) between any GW model calibration point(s) and the data points.
st.dist(dp.locat, rp.locat,,,focus=0, p=2,
theta=0, longlat=F,lamda=0.05,t.units = "auto",
ksi=0, s.dMat,t.dMat)
Returns a numeric spatio-temporal distance matrix or vector; or a matrix with its rows corresponding to the observations and its columns corresponds to the calibration points.
a numeric matrix of two columns giving the coordinates of the data points
a numeric matrix of two columns giving the coordinates of the GW model calibration points
a vector of time tags for each observation, which could be numeric or of POSIXlt class
a vector of time tags for each regression location, which could be numeric or of POSIXlt class
an integer, indexing to the current GW model point, if focus=0, all the distances between all the GW model calibration points and data points will be calculated and a distance matrix will be returned; if 0<focus<length(rp.locat), then the distances between the 'focus'th GW model points and data points will be calculated and a distance vector will be returned
the power of the Minkowski distance, default is 2, i.e. the Euclidean distance
an angle in radians to rotate the coordinate system, default is 0
if TRUE, great circle distances will be calculated
an parameter between 0 and 1 for calculating spatio-temporal distance
character string to define time unit
an parameter between 0 and PI for calculating spatio-temporal distance, see details in Wu et al. (2014)
a predifined spatial distance matrix for calculating spatio-temporal distances
a predifined temporal distance matrix for calculating spatio-temporal distances
Binbin Lu