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GenVisR (version 1.0.4)

lolliplot: Construct a lolliplot


Given a data frame construct a plot displaying mutations on a transcript framework.


lolliplot(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, fillCol = NULL, labelCol = NULL, txtAngle = 45, txtSize = 5, pntSize = 4, proteinColour = "#999999", obsA.rep.fact = 5000, obsA.rep.dist.lmt = 500, obsA.attr.fact = 0.1, obsA.adj.max = 0.1, obsA.adj.lmt = 0.5, obsA.iter.max = 50000, obsB.rep.fact = 5000, obsB.rep.dist.lmt = 500, obsB.attr.fact = 0.1, obsB.adj.max = 0.1, obsB.adj.lmt = 0.5, obsB.iter.max = 50000, sideChain = FALSE, species = "hsapiens", maxLolliStack = NULL, plotLayer = NULL, paletteA = NULL, paletteB = NULL, host = "www.ensembl.org", out = "plot")


Object of class data frame with rows representing mutations. The data frame must contain columns with the following names "transcript_name", "gene", and "amino_acid_change". Values in the "transcript_name" column must represent an ensembl transcript id and values in the "amino_acid_change" column must be in p.notation (see details).
Object of class data frame with rows representing mutations. The data frame must contain columns with the following names "transcript_name" and "amino_acid_change". Values in the "transcript_name" column must represent an ensembl transcript id and values in the "amino_acid_change" column must be in p. notation (optional, see details).
Object of class data frame with rows representing regions of interest. The data frame must contain columns with the following names "description", "start", "stop" (optional see details).
Character string specifying the column name of the argument supplied to parameter x on which to colour the lollis representing mutations (see details).
Character string specifying the column name of the argument supplied to parameter x from which to extract and display text corresponding to mutations (see details).
Integer specifying the angle of label text to be plotted if an argument is supplied to the labelCol parameter.
Integer specifying the size of label text to be plotted if an argument is supplied to the labelCol parameter.
Integer specifying the size of lolli points representing mutations.
Character string specifying the background colour of the protein.
Numeric value representing the repulsive factor for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Numberic value representing the repulsive distance limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the attraction factor for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the max position adjustment for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the adjustment limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Integer representing the number of iterations of position adjustments for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the repulsive factor for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Numberic value representing the repulsive distance limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the attraction factor for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the max position adjustment for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Numeric value representing the adjustment limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Integer representing the number of iterations of position adjustments for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
Boolean specifying if amino acid sidechain data should be plotted in lieu of protein domains (see details).
A valid species from which to retrieve protein domain and sequence data for a given transcript (see details).
Integer specifying the cutoff for the maximum number of lollis allowed to be stacked at a single position.
Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the plot.
Character vector specifying colours for protein domains, valid only if sideChain==FALSE.
Character vector specifying colours for lollis representing mutations, valid only if argument is supplied to fillCol.
Host to connect to for biomaRt queries (see details).
Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).


One of the following, a list of dataframes containing data to be plotted, a grob object, or a plot.


lolliplot is a function designed to display mutation information in the context of a protien identified by an ensembl transcript id. The lolliplot function will query ensembl via biomart to retrieve sequence and domain information in order to construct a representation of a protein and therefore requires an internet connection. A value must be supplied to the species parameter (defaults to hsapiens) in order for a successful biomart query. Valid arguments to this field are those species with datasts available via ensembl. please specify species in lowercase without a period (i.e. hsapiens instead of H.sapiens), lolliplot will inform the user of available species if input to the species parameter is not recognized. Further lolliplot will build a protein framework based on sequence data obtained from biomaRt, by default this will default to the latest ensembl version. In order for the most accurate representation the annotation version of the mutations given to lolliplot should match the annotation version used by biomaRt. The annotation version used by biomaRt can be changed via the host paramter (see vignette for more details).

lolliplot is capable of plotting two seperate sets of data on the protein representation specified by parameters `x` and `y`, the data supplied to these parameters will be plotted on the top and bottom of the protein respectively. Note that input to these parameters is expected to correspond to a single ensembl transcript and that values in the "amino_acid_change" columns are required to be in p. notation (i.e. p.V600E). Further lolliplot is able to plot custom domain annotation if supplied via the parameter `z`, this will override domain information obtained from biomart.

lolliplot uses a forcefield model from the package FField to attract and repulse lollis. The parameters for this force field model are set to reasonable defaults however may be adjusted via the obsA... and obsB... family of parameters. Please see the package FField available on cran for a description of these parameters. Note that the time to construct the lolliplot will in large part depend on the number of mutations and the values supplied to the forcefield parameters.


Run this code
# Create input data
data <- brcaMAF[brcaMAF$Hugo_Symbol == 'TP53',c('Hugo_Symbol', 'amino_acid_change_WU')]
data <- as.data.frame(cbind(data, 'ENST00000269305'))
colnames(data) <- c('gene', 'amino_acid_change', 'transcript_name')

# Call lolliplot

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab