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GeneBreak (version 1.2.0)

bpStats,CopyNumberBreakPoints-method: bpStats


Applies cohort-based statistics to identify genes and/or chromosomal locations that are recurrently affected by breakpoints.


"bpStats"(object, level = "gene", method = "BH", fdr.threshold = 1)


An object of class CopyNumberBreakPointGenes
The level at which to operate, this can be either "gene" (correcting for gene length) or "feature" (per probe/bin)
The FDR correction method to apply. This can be "BH" (applies Benjamini-Hochberg-type FDR correction) or "Gilbert" (for dedicated Benjamini-Hochberg-type FDR correction)
The threshold for FDR correction'


Returns an object of class CopyNumberBreakPointGenes with cohort based statistics added.


The statistical method on gene-level corrects for covariates that may influence the probability to be a breakpoint gene including number of breakpoints in a profile, number of gene-associated features and gene length by gene-associated feature coverage. The statistical analysis includes multiple testing where standard Benjamini-Hochberg-type FDR correction will be performed by default. This less computational intensive method assumes a similar null-distribution for all candidate breakpoint events and satisfies for analysis on breakpoint location-level. For statistics on gene-level however, we recommend to apply the more comprehensive and powerful dedicated Benjamini-Hochberg-type FDR correction that accounts for discreteness in null-distribution (Gilbert, 2005) following correction for covariates that may influence the probability to be a breakpoint gene including number of breakpoints in a profile, number of gene-associated features and gene length by gene-associated feature coverage.


Gilbert,P.B. (2005) A modified false discovery rate multiple-comparisons procedure for discrete data, applied to human immunodeficiency virus genetics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C-Applied Statistics, 54, 143-158.


Run this code
data( copynumber.data.chr20 )
data( ens.gene.ann.hg18 )
bp <- getBreakpoints( copynumber.data.chr20 )
bp <- bpFilter( bp )
bp <- addGeneAnnotation( bp, ens.gene.ann.hg18 )
bp <- bpGenes( bp )
bp <- bpStats( bp )

## options to inspect the data
accessOptions( bp )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab