## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A. Basic Use
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------
## (i) Map from genome to transcript:
## The seqnames of the output are the transcript names, not chromosomes. For
## this reason 'transcripts' must be named.
x <- GRanges("A", IRanges(16, 18))
gr1 <- GRanges("A", IRanges(1, 10, names="tx_a"))
gr2 <- GRanges("A", IRanges(15, 20, names="tx_b"))
## 'transcripts' as GRanges:
mapToTranscripts(x, gr2)
## 'transcripts' as GRangesList:
mapToTranscripts(x, GRangesList("tx_c" = c(gr1, gr2)))
## Round trip from genomic -> transcript -> genomic coordinates:
tx_coord <- mapToTranscripts(x, gr2)
mapFromTranscripts(tx_coord, gr2)
## ------------------------------------
## (ii) Map from transcript to genome:
## A prerequisite for mapping from transcript -> genome is that the seqname
## of the range in 'x' match the name of the range in 'transcripts'. Here
## the seqname of 'x' is "TX_1" and mapping is only attempted with the second
## range in 'gr':
x <- GRanges("TX_1", IRanges(5, 10))
gr <- GRanges("chr3", IRanges(c(1, 1), width=50, names=c("TX_2", "TX_1")))
mapFromTranscripts(x, gr)
## ------------------------------------
## (iii) Element-wise versions:
## Recycling is supported when length(transcripts) == 1; otherwise the
## lengths of 'x' and 'transcripts' must be the same.
x <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 5, 10), width=1))
transcripts <- GRanges("A", IRanges(4, 7))
pmapToTranscripts(x, transcripts)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## B. Map local sequence locations to the genome
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## NAGNAG alternative splicing plays an essential role in biological processes
## and represents a highly adaptable system for posttranslational regulation
## of gene function. The majority of NAGNAG studies largely focus on messenger
## RNA. A study by Sun, Lin, and Yan
## (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/736798/) demonstrated that
## NAGNAG splicing is also operative in large intergenic noncoding RNA
## (lincRNA).
## One finding of interest was that linc-POLR3G-10 exhibited two NAGNAG
## acceptors located in two distinct transcripts: TCONS_00010012 and
## TCONS_00010010.
## Extract the exon coordinates of TCONS_00010012 and TCONS_00010010:
lincrna <- c("TCONS_00010012", "TCONS_00010010")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.lincRNAsTranscripts
exons <- exonsBy(txdb, by="tx", use.names=TRUE)[lincrna]
## The two NAGNAG acceptors were identified in the upstream region of
## the fourth and fifth exons located in TCONS_00010012.
## Extract the sequences for transcript TCONS_00010012:
genome <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
exons_seq <- getSeq(genome, exons[[1]])
## TCONS_00010012 has 4 exons:
## The most common triplet among the lincRNA sequences was CAG. Identify
## the location of this pattern in all exons.
cag_loc <- vmatchPattern("CAG", exons_seq)
## Convert the first occurance of CAG in each exon back to genome coordinates.
first_loc <- do.call(c, sapply(cag_loc, "[", 1, simplify=TRUE))
pmapFromTranscripts(first_loc, exons[[1]])
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## C. Map 3'UTR variants to genome coordinates
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## A study by Skeeles et. al (PLoS ONE 8(3): e58609. doi:
## 10.1371/journal.pone.0058609) investigated the impact of 3'UTR variants
## on the expression of cancer susceptibility genes.
## 8 candidate miRNA genes on chromosome 12 were used to test for
## differential luciferase expression in mice. In Table 2 of the manuscript
## variant locations are given as nucleotide position within the gene.
geneNames <- c("Bcap29", "Dgkb", "Etv1", "Hbp1", "Hbp1", "Ifrd1",
"Ifrd1", "Pik3cg", "Pik3cg", "Tspan13", "Twistnb")
starts <- c(1409, 3170, 3132, 2437, 2626, 3239, 3261, 4947, 4979, 958, 1489)
snps <- GRanges(geneNames, IRanges(starts, width=1))
## To map these transcript-space coordinates to the genome we need gene ranges
## in genome space.
geneid <- select(org.Mm.eg.db, unique(geneNames), "ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")
## Extract the gene regions:
txdb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
genes <- genes(txdb)[geneid$ENTREZID]
## A prerequesite of the mapping from transcript space to genome space
## is that seqnames in 'x' match names in 'transcripts'. Rename
## 'genes' with the appropriate gene symbol.
names(genes) <- geneid$SYMBOL
## The xHits and transcriptsHits metadta columns indicate which ranges in
## 'snps' and 'genes' were involved in the mapping.
mapFromTranscripts(snps, genes)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## D. Map dbSNP variants to cds or cDNA coordinates
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## The GIPR gene encodes a G-protein coupled receptor for gastric inhibitory
## polypeptide (GIP). Originally GIP was identified to inhibited gastric acid
## secretion and gastrin release but was later demonstrated to stimulate
## insulin release in the presence of elevated glucose.
## In this example 5 SNPs located in the GIPR gene are mapped to cDNA
## coordinates. A list of SNPs in GIPR can be downloaded from dbSNP or NCBI.
rsids <- c("rs4803846", "rs139322374", "rs7250736", "rs7250754", "rs9749185")
## Extract genomic coordinates with a SNPlocs package.
snps <- snpid2grange(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38, rsids)
## Gene regions of GIPR can be extracted from a TxDb package of compatible
## build. The TxDb package uses Entrez gene identifiers and GIPR is a gene
## symbol. Conversion between gene symbols and Entrez gene IDs is done by
## calling select() on an organism db package.
geneid <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, "GIPR", "ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")
## The transcriptsBy() extractor returns a range for each transcript that
## includes the UTR and exon regions (i.e., cDNA).
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
txbygene <- transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene")
cDNA <- txbygene[geneid$ENTREZID]
## Before mapping, the chromosome names (seqlevels) in the two objects must
## be harmonized. The style for 'snps' is dbSNP and 'cDNA' is UCSC.
## Modify the style and genome in 'snps' to match 'cDNA'.
seqlevelsStyle(snps) <- seqlevelsStyle(cDNA)
genome(snps) <- genome(cDNA)
## The 'cDNA' object is a GRangesList of length 1. This single list element
## contains the cDNA range for 4 different transcripts. To map to each
## transcript individually 'cDNA' must be unlisted before mapping.
## Map all 5 SNPS to all 4 transcripts:
mapToTranscripts(snps, unlist(cDNA))
## Map the first SNP to transcript uc002pct.1 and the second to uc002pcu.1.
pmapToTranscripts(snps[1:2], unlist(cDNA)[1:2])
## The cdsBy() extractor returns coding regions by gene or by transcript.
## Extract the coding regions for transcript uc002pct.1.
cds <- cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)["uc002pct.1"]
## The 'cds' object is a GRangesList of length 1 containing all cds ranges
## for the single transcript uc002pct.1.
## To map to the concatenated group of ranges leave 'cds' as a GRangesList.
mapToTranscripts(snps, cds)
## Only the second SNP could be mapped. Unlisting the 'cds' object maps the
## SNPs to the individual cds ranges (vs the concatenated range).
mapToTranscripts(snps[2], unlist(cds))
## The location is the same because the SNP hit the first cds range. If the
## transcript were on the "-" strand the difference in concatenated vs
## non-concatenated position would be more obvious.
## Change the strand of 'cds':
strand(cds) <- "-"
## Re-map using 'ignore.strand'. The 'ignore.strand' argument is used
## in overlaps operations but does not affect the mapped position.
## Map to concatenated group of cds regions:
mapToTranscripts(snps[2], cds, ignore.strand=TRUE)
## Map to individual cds regions:
mapToTranscripts(snps[2], unlist(cds), ignore.strand=TRUE)
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