Subroutine called by GeoFit. The procedure estimates the model parameters by maximisation of the composite log-likelihood.
CompLik2(copula,bivariate, coordx, coordy ,coordt,
coordx_dyn,corrmodel, data, distance, flagcorr, flagnuis,
fixed, GPU,grid,likelihood, local,lower,
model, n, namescorr, namesnuis, namesparam,
numparam, numparamcorr, optimizer, onlyvar,
parallel, param, spacetime, type,
upper, varest, vartype, weigthed, winconst,
winstp,winconst_t, winstp_t, ns, X,sensitivity,
Return a list from an optim
String; the type of copula. It can be "Clayton" or "Gaussian"
Logical; if TRUE
then the data come froma a bivariate random field.
Otherwise from a univariate random field.
A numeric (\(d \times 2\))-matrix (where
is the number of points) assigning 2-dimensions of coordinates
or a numeric vector assigning
1-dimension of coordinates.
A numeric vector assigning 1-dimension of
coordinates; coordy
is interpreted only if coordx
is a numeric
vector otherwise it will be ignored.
A numeric vector assigning 1-dimension of
temporal coordinates. Optional argument, the default is NULL
then a spatial random field is expected.
A list of \(m\) numeric (\(d_t \times 2\))-matrices
containing dynamical (in time) spatial coordinates. Optional argument, the default is NULL
Numeric; the id of the correlation model.
A numeric vector or a (\(n \times d\))-matrix or (\(d \times d \times n\))-matrix of observations.
String; the name of the spatial distance. The default is Eucl
the euclidean distance. See the Section Details.
A numeric vector of binary values denoting which paramerters of the correlation function will be estimated.
A numeric vector of binary values denoting which nuisance paramerters will be estimated.
A numeric vector of parameters that will be considered as known values.
Numeric; if NULL
(the default)
no GPU computation is performed.
Logical; if FALSE
(the default) the data
are interpreted as a vector or a (\(n \times d\))-matrix,
instead if TRUE
then (\(d \times d
\times n\))-matrix is considered.
String; the configuration of the
compositelikelihood, see GeoFit
Numeric; number of local work-items of the GPU
An optional named list giving the values for the lower bound of the space parameter
when the optimizer is L-BFGS-B
or nlminb
or optimize
. The
names of the list must be the same of the names in the start
Numeric; the id value of the density associated to the likelihood objects.
Numeric; number of trials in a binomial random fields.
String; the names of the correlation parameters.
String; the names of the nuisance parameters.
String; the names of the parameters to be maximised.
Numeric; the number of parameters to be maximised.
Numeric; the number of correlation parameters.
String; the optimization algorithm
(see optim
for details). Nelder-Mead
is the
default. Other possible choices are nlm
and nlminb
In these last two cases upper and lower bounds can be passed by the user. In the case
of one-dimensional optimization, the function optimize
is used.
Logical; if TRUE
(and varest is TRUE
) only
the variance covariance matrix is computed
without optimizing. FALSE
is the default.
Logical; if TRUE
optmization is performed using optimParallel
using the maximum number of cores, when optimizer is
is the default.
A numeric vector of parameters' values.
Logical; if TRUE
the random field is
spatial-temporal otherwise is a spatial field.
String; the type of the likelihood objects. If Pairwise
default) then the marginal composite likelihood is formed by
pairwise marginal likelihoods.
An optional named list giving the values for the upper bound
of the space parameter when the optimizer is or L-BFGS-B
or nlminb
or optimize
The names of the list must be the same of the names in the start
Logical; if TRUE
the estimate' variances and
standard errors are returned.
is the default.
String; the type of estimation method for computing
the estimate variances, see GeoFit
Logical; if TRUE
then decreasing weigths coming
from a compactly supported correlation function
with compact support maxdist
)are used.
Numeric; a positive value for computing the spatial sub-window in the sub-sampling procedure.
Numeric; a value in \((0,1]\) for defining the the proportion of overlapping in the spatial sub-sampling procedure.
Numeric; a positive value for computing the temporal sub-window in the sub-sampling procedure.
Numeric; a value in \((0,1]\) for defining the the proportion of overlapping in the temporal sub-sampling procedure.
Numeric; Number of (dynamical) temporal instants.
Numeric; Matrix of space-time covariates in the linear mean specification.
Logical; if TRUE
then the sensitivy matrix is computed
Numeric; Vector of indexes for spatial distances.
Numeric; Vector of indexes for spatial distances.
Numeric; an optional positive integer indicating the order of neighborhood location.
Numeric;a non constant fixed mean
Logical; should anisotropy be considered?
Moreno Bevilacqua,,, Víctor Morales Oñate,,, Christian", Caamaño-Carrillo,,