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This function generates random draws of a continuous random variable given either its density or its cumulative distribution function.
random.function(n = 1, f, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, kind = "density")
A vector of length n with n draws from a random variable with density (or cumulative distribution) function given by f.
number of draws, default 1.
either a density (default) or cumulative distribution function of the random variable.
lower limit of the support of the random variable, default -Inf.
upper limit of the support of the random variable, default Inf.
character string with the function used to identify the distribution, either "density" (default) or "cumulative", as alternative.
Jose M. Pavia
random.function uses the method of the inverse of the cdf to generate random draws from f.
dgeometric.test, integrate, inverse and support.facto.
f0 <- function(x) ifelse(x>=0 & x<=1, 2-2*x, 0) random.function(10, f0, lower=0, upper=1, kind="density")
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