train.gsom(data, spreadFactor=0.8, keepdata=FALSE, iterations=50, alpha=0.9, beta = 0.5, gridsize = FALSE, nhood= "rect", initrad = NULL, ...)
a matrix or data.frame, with each row representing an observation and each column a dimension.
the spread factor determines the rate with which new units are added to the map. Values close to 0 lead to few growth and therefore less nodes thatn values close to 1. The default value is 0.9.
if set to TRUE, a copy of the traindata will be stored in the gsom object.
number of times that the dataframe will be presented to the network. (Growing and Smoothing Phase combined)
discount factor for the learning rate during the growing phase of the training. Values should be between 0 and 1.
propagation rate. Determines the rate at which the error of a node, that cannot grow any nodes, is passed on to its neighbours. Suggested values may range between 0 and 1.
default value is FALSE. If a nummeric value is entered, the grid-size of the network will be preditermined as a square with length of gridsize. No growth of the network will take place in this case.
define how the grid will be built, and how the neighbourhood will look like consequently. Allowed values are "rect" (rectangular) and "hex" (hexagonal).
if the gridsize is predetermined, the initial radius can be chosen here. If left blank, the square root of gridsize will be taken.
A larger initrad can increase the quality of the clustering. However, the script can get very slow when a too large value is chosen. (number of necessary computations rises exponentially)