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The package HLMdiag was created in order to provide a unified framework for analysts to diagnose hierarchical linear models (HLMs). When HLMdiag was created in 2014, it made diagnostic procedures available for HLMs that had not yet been implemented in statistical software. Over the past 6 years, other packages have gradually implemented some of these procedures; however, diagnosing a model still often requires multiple packages, each of which has its own syntax and quirks. HLMdiag provides diagnostic tools targeting all aspects and levels of hierarchical linear models in a single package. HLMdiag provides wrapper functions to all types of residuals implemented in lme4 and nlme as well as providing access to the marginal and least squares residuals. For influence diagnostics, HLMdiag provides functions to calculate Cook’s distance, MDFFITS, covariance trace and ratio, relative variance change, and leverage.


If you would like to install the development version of HLMdiag, you may do so using devtools:


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The functions provided by this package can be separated into three groups: residual analysis, influence analysis, and graphical tools.

Residual Analysis

The residual functions in HLMdiag allow the analyst to estimate all types of residuals defined for a hierarchical linear model. They provide access to level-1, higher-level, and marginal residuals and use both Least Squares and Empirical Bayes estimation methods to provide the analyst with more choices in evaluating a model. The hlm_resid method is inspired by the augment() function in broom and appends all types of residuals and fitted values for a given level to the model frame; however, individual types of residuals can be calculated with the pull_resid method.

The functions available for residual analysis in HLMdiag are: *hlm_resid() calculates all residual diagnostics for a given level, returning a tibble with the residuals and fitted values appended to the original model frame.

*pull_resid() calculates a specified type of residual, returning a vector and prioritizing computational efficiency.

*hlm_augment() combines hlm_influence() and hlm_resid() to return a tibble with residual values and influence diagnostics appended to the original model frame.

Influence Analysis

The influence analysis functions provide functionality to calculate Cook’s distance, MDFFITS, covariance ratio, covariance trace, relative variance change, and leverage. Additionally, two functions to calculate Cook’s distance, MDFFITS, covariance ratio, and covariance trace are provided: a one step approximation, and a full refit method that refits the model and recalculates the fixed and random effects. This functionality is available through individual functions for each diagnostic; however, the hlm_influence function can be used to calculate all available diagnostics for each observation or group of observations.

The functions available for influence analysis in HLMdiag are:

  • cooks.distance() calculates Cook’s distance values, which measures the difference between the original fixed effects and the deleted ones.
  • mdffits() calculates MDFFITS, a multivariate version of the DFFITS statistic, which is also a measure of the difference in fixed effects.
  • covtrace() calculates covariance trace, the ratio between the covariance matrices with and without unit i to the identity matrix.
  • covratio() calculate covariance ratio, a comparison of the two covariance matrices with and without unit i using their determinants.
  • rvc() calculates relative variance change, a measurement of the ratio of estimates of the l th variance component with and without unit i.
  • leverage() calculates leverage, he rate of change in the predicted response with respect to the observed response.
  • case_delete() iteratively deletes observations or groups of observations, returning a list of fixed and random components from the original model and the models created by deletion.
  • hlm_influence() calculates all of the influence diagnostics, returning a tibble with the influence values appended to the original model frame.
  • hlm_augment() combines hlm_influence() and hlm_resid() to return a tibble with residual values and influence diagnostics appended to the original model frame.

Graphical Tools

HLMdiag provides the function dotplot_diag(), which creates dotplots to visually represent influence diagnostics. It is especially useful when used with the values returned by hlm_influence(). HLMdiag also provides grouped Q-Q plots (group_qqnorm()), and Q-Q plots that combine the functionality of qqnorm and qqline (ggplot_qqnorm()).


Residual Analysis

We will use the sleepstudy data set from the lme4 package.

#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Attaching package: 'HLMdiag'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     covratio
data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
sleep.lmer <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), data = sleepstudy) 

We calculate the unstandardized level-1 and marginal residuals for each observation below.

#> # A tibble: 180 x 10
#>       id Reaction  Days Subject  .resid .fitted .ls.resid .ls.fitted .mar.resid
#>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1     1     250.     0 308       -4.10    254.      5.37       244.      -1.85
#>  2     2     259.     1 308      -14.6     273.     -7.25       266.      -3.17
#>  3     3     251.     2 308      -42.2     293.    -36.9        288.     -21.5 
#>  4     4     321.     3 308        8.78    313.     12.0        309.      38.6 
#>  5     5     357.     4 308       24.5     332.     25.6        331.      63.6 
#>  6     6     415.     5 308       62.7     352.     61.7        353.     111.  
#>  7     7     382.     6 308       10.5     372.      7.42       375.      68.0 
#>  8     8     290.     7 308     -101.      391.   -106.         397.     -34.5 
#>  9     9     431.     8 308       19.6     411.     12.3        418.      95.4 
#> 10    10     466.     9 308       35.7     431.     26.3        440.     121.  
#> # … with 170 more rows, and 1 more variable: .mar.fitted <dbl>

For more information and examples of the functionality of hlm_resid(), see the residual diagnostics vignette.

Influence Analysis

We calculate influence diagnostics for each observation with the following line:

#> # A tibble: 180 x 9
#>       id Reaction  Days Subject  cooksd mdffits covtrace covratio
#>    <int>    <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1     1     250.     0 308     1.48e-4 1.47e-4 0.00887      1.01
#>  2     2     259.     1 308     1.10e-3 1.09e-3 0.00558      1.01
#>  3     3     251.     2 308     5.13e-3 5.11e-3 0.00330      1.00
#>  4     4     321.     3 308     1.14e-4 1.14e-4 0.00175      1.00
#>  5     5     357.     4 308     3.93e-4 3.92e-4 0.000778     1.00
#>  6     6     415.     5 308     1.07e-3 1.07e-3 0.000321     1.00
#>  7     7     382.     6 308     3.49e-5 3.49e-5 0.000361     1.00
#>  8     8     290.     7 308     8.81e-3 8.80e-3 0.000944     1.00
#>  9     9     431.     8 308     8.23e-4 8.21e-4 0.00219      1.00
#> 10    10     466.     9 308     5.99e-3 5.96e-3 0.00435      1.00
#> # … with 170 more rows, and 1 more variable: leverage.overall <dbl>

For more information and examples of the functionality of hlm_influence(), see the influence diagnostics vignette.

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Adam Loy

Last Published

May 2nd, 2021

Functions in HLMdiag (0.5.0)


Extracting covariance matrices from lme

Computationally Efficient HLM Residuals

Leverage for HLMs

Radon data

Conditional residuals

Wages for male high school dropouts

Calculating influence diagnostics for HLMs

Methylprednisolone data

Calculating residuals from HLMs

Extracting variance components

Calculating residuals and influence diagnostics for HLMs hlm_augment is used to compute residuals, fitted values, and influence diagnostics for a hierarchical linear model. The residuals and fitted values are computed using Least Squares(LS) and Empirical Bayes (EB) methods. The influence diagnostics are computed through one step approximations.

Relative variance change for HLMs

Calculate s-dimensional rotated random effects

Influence on precision of fixed effects in HLMs

Random effects residuals

Marginal residuals

Dot plots for influence diagnostics

Deprecated functions in HLMdiag

Defunct functions in package HLMdiag

Visually comparing shrinkage and LS estimates

Diagnostic tools for hierarchical (multilevel) linear models

Autism data

Calculating least squares residuals

Influence on fixed effects of HLMs

Fitting Common Models via lm

Case Deletion for mer/lmerMod objects