A case-control study to investigate whether driving a car is a risk factor for
low back pain resulting from acute herniated lumbar intervertebral discs (AHLID).
A data frame with 434 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor which identifies matched pairs.
a factor with levels case and control.
a factor with levels no and yes.
a factor with levels no and yes indicating a suburban resident.
These data arise from a study reported in Kelsey and Hardy (1975) which was designed to
investigate whether driving a car is a risk factor for low back pain resulting from
acute herniated lumbar intervertebral discs (AHLID). A case-control study was used
with cases selected from people who had recently had X-rays taken of the lower back
and had been diagnosed as having AHLID. The controls were taken from patients admitted
to the same hospital as a case with a condition unrelated to the spine. Further matching
was made on age and sex and a total of 217 matched pairs were recruited, consisting of
89 female pairs and 128 male pairs.