data("BCG", package = "HSAUR3")
### sort studies w.r.t. sample size
BCG <- BCG[order(rowSums(BCG[,2:5])),]
### to long format
BCGlong <- with(BCG, data.frame(Freq = c(BCGTB, BCGVacc - BCGTB,
NoVaccTB, NoVacc - NoVaccTB),
infected = rep(rep(factor(c("yes", "no")),
rep(nrow(BCG), 2)), 2),
vaccined = rep(factor(c("yes", "no")),
rep(nrow(BCG) * 2, 2)),
study = rep(factor(Study, levels = as.character(Study)),
### doubledecker plot
doubledecker(xtabs(Freq ~ study + vaccined + infected,
data = BCGlong))
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