Those two functions handle the beginning and the ending of a HTML report, by writing the
HTML <body><head><title></title></head>...</body> tags and their options. When working manually, the user may need to use it's own functions or to explicitly write to a file using cat("", file=).
myHTMLInitFile(outdir = tempdir(), filename = "index", extension = "html",
HTMLframe = TRUE, BackGroundColor = "FFFFFF", BackGroundImg = "",
Title = "R output", NavTitle = "", CSSFile = "R2HTML.css",
useLaTeX = TRUE, useGrid = TRUE, img.logo.path = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"),
"/public_html/", sep = ""), img.logo = "logo-SenseNetworks.png",
img.href = "", JSCPATH = NULL,
directory to store the output
target HTML report filename
target HTML report extension (htm, html,...)
should the output be handled by frames [boolean]
option bgcolor for HTML tag <body>
option background for HTML tag <body>
string to pass to HTML <title> tag
title of navigation page
path and name of a CSS file to use
boolean - add required references to javascript AsciiMathML in order to use as.latex
boolean - add required references to javascript grid in order to use R2HTML grid functions
path to search for the logo pic in the frame
filename of logo to display, if NULL no logo to display!
link of logo to point to.
directory that contains the javascript code
append to existing HTML page ?
Meta refresh is a method of instructing a web browser to automatically refresh the current web page after a given time interval.
"Markus Loecher, Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL)" <>