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logLikePoisMix: Log likelihood calculation for a Poisson mixture model


Functions to calculate the log likelihood for a Poisson mixture model, the difference in log likelihoods for two different sets of parameters of a Poisson mixture model or the log-likelihood for each observation.


logLikePoisMix(y, mean, pi)
logLikePoisMixDiff(y, mean.new, pi.new, mean.old, pi.old)
mylogLikePoisMixObs(y, conds, s, lambda, pi)



(Depending on the context), the log likelihood, difference in log likelihoods for two different sets of parameters, or per-observation log-likelihood



(n x q) matrix of observed counts for n observations and q variables


List of length g containing the (n x q) matrices of conditional mean expression for all observations, as calculated by the PoisMixMean function, where g represents the number of clusters


List of length g containing the (n x q) matrices of conditional mean expression for all observations for one set of parameters, as calculated by the PoisMixMean function, where g represents the number of clusters


List of length g containing the (n x q) matrices of conditional mean expression for all observations for another set of parameters, as calculated by the PoisMixMean function, where g represents the number of clusters


Vector of length g containing one estimate for \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\pi}}\)


Vector of length g containing another estimate for \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\pi}}\)


Vector of length g containing estimate for \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\pi}}\)


Vector of length q defining the condition (treatment group) for each variable (column) in y


Estimate of normalized per-variable library size


(d x g) matrix containing the current estimate of lambda, where d is the number of conditions (treatment groups) and g is the number of clusters


Andrea Rau


The logLikePoisMixDiff function is used to calculate the difference in log likelihood for two different sets of parameters in a Poisson mixture model; it is used to determine convergence in the EM algorithm run by the PoisMixClus function. The logLikePoisMix function (taken largely from the mylogLikePoisMix function from the poisson.glm.mix R package) calculates the log likelihood for a given set of parameters in a Poisson mixture model and is used in the PoisMixClus function for the calculation of the BIC and ICL. The mylogLikePoisMixObs function calculates the log likelihood per observation for a given set of parameters in a Poisson mixture model.


Loader, C. (2000) Fast and accurate computation of binomial probabilities. Available at https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/octave-maintainers/2011-09/pdfK0uKOST642.pdf.

Rau, A., Maugis-Rabusseau, C., Martin-Magniette, M.-L., Celeux G. (2015). Co-expression analysis of high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data with Poisson mixture models. Bioinformatics, 31(9):1420-1427.

Rau, A., Celeux, G., Martin-Magniette, M.-L., Maugis-Rabusseau, C. (2011) Clustering high-throughput sequencing data with Poisson mixture models. Inria Research Report 7786. Available at https://inria.hal.science/inria-00638082.

See Also

PoisMixClus for Poisson mixture model estimation and model selection; PoisMixMean to calculate the per-cluster conditional mean of each observation


Run this code


## Simulate data as shown in Rau et al. (2011)
## Library size setting "A", low cluster separation
## n = 200 observations

simulate <- PoisMixSim(n = 200, libsize = "A", separation = "low")
y <- simulate$y
conds <- simulate$conditions
w <- rowSums(y)               ## Estimate of w
r <- table(conds)             ## Number of replicates per condition
d <- length(unique(conds))    ## Number of conditions
s <- colSums(y) / sum(y)      ## TC estimate of lib size
s.dot <- rep(NA, d)           ## Summing lib size within conditions
for(j in 1:d) s.dot[j] <- sum(s[which(conds == unique(conds)[j])]);

## Initial guess for pi and lambda
g.true <- 4
pi.guess <- simulate$pi
## Recalibrate so that (s.dot * lambda.guess) = 1
lambda.sim <- simulate$lambda
lambda.guess <- matrix(NA, nrow = d, ncol = g.true)
for(k in 1:g.true) {
    tmp <- lambda.sim[,k]/sum(lambda.sim[,k])
    lambda.guess[,k] <- tmp/s.dot

## Run the PMM-II model for g = 4
## with EM algorithm and "TC" library size parameter
run <- PoisMixClus(y, g = 4, norm = "TC", conds = conds) 
pi.est <- run$pi
lambda.est <- run$lambda

## Mean values for each of the parameter sets
mean.guess <- PoisMixMean(y, 4, conds, s, lambda.guess)
mean.est <- PoisMixMean(y, 4, conds, s, lambda.est)

## Difference in log likelihoods       
LL.diff <- logLikePoisMixDiff(y, mean.guess, pi.guess, mean.est, pi.est)
LL.diff             ## -12841.11

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