Learn R Programming

Haplin (version 7.3.2)

genDataLoad: Loading the data previously read in and saved by "genDataRead"


This function loads the data from the saved .ffData and .RData files, and prepares the data to subsequent analysis.


genDataLoad(filename = stop("'filename' must be given!"), dir.in = ".")


A list object with three elements:

  • cov.data - a data.frame with covariate data (if available in the input file)

  • gen.data - a list with chunks of the genetic data; the data is divided column-wise, using 10,000 columns per chunk; each element of this list is a ff matrix

  • aux - a list with meta-data and important parameters.



The base of the filenames; i.e. if the data is saved in "my_data_gen.ffData", "my_data_gen.RData" and "my_data_cov.RData", then the 'filename' should be "my_data".


The path to the directory where files were saved (defaults to the current directory).