- file.in
The name of the main input file with genotype information.
- file.out
The base for the output filename (by default, constructed from the
input file name).
- dir.out
The path to the directory where the output files will be saved.
- format
Format of data (will influence how data is processed) - choose from:
haplin - data already in one row per family,
ped - data from .ped file, each row represents an individual.
- header
Whether the first line of the main input file contains column names;
default: FALSE; NB: this is useful only for 'haplin'-formatted files!
- n.vars
The number of columns with covariate data (if any) in the main file;
NB: if the main file is in PED format, it is assumed that the first 6 columns contain
the standard PED-covariates (i.e., family ID, ID of the child, father and mother,
sex and case-control status), so in this case setting 'n.vars' is useful only
if the PED file contains more than 6 covariate columns.
- cov.file.in
Name of the file containing additional covariate data, if any.
Caution: unless the 'cov.header' argument is used, it is assumed that the first line
of this file contains the header (i.e., the column names of the additional data).
- cov.header
The character vector containing the names of covariate columns
(in the file with additional covariate data if given by the 'cov.file.in' argument;
or in the main file, if it's a "haplin"-formatted file).
- map.file
Filename (with path if the file is not in current directory) of the
.map file holding the SNP names, if available (see Details).
- map.header
Logical: does the map.file contain a header in the first row?
Default: FALSE.
- allele.sep
Character: separator between two alleles (default: ";").
- na.strings
Character or NA: how the missing data is coded (default: "NA").
- col.sep
Character: separator between the columns (i.e., markers; default: any
whitespace character).
- overwrite
Whether to overwrite the output files: if NULL (default), will prompt
the user to give answer; set to TRUE, will automatically overwrite any existing files;
and set to FALSE, will stop if the output files exist.