# setting up the directory with exemplary data
dir.in <- system.file( "extdata", package = "Haplin" )
file.in <- paste0( dir.in, "/data.dat" )
# reading data in
data.in <- genDataRead( file.in, file.out = "poo_exmpl_data_read", format = "haplin",
dir.out = tempdir( check = TRUE ), n.vars = 1, allele.sep = " ", col.sep = " ",
overwrite = TRUE )
# preprocessing the data
data.preproc <- genDataPreprocess( data.in, design = "triad",
file.out = "poo_exmpl_data_preproc", dir.out = tempdir( check = TRUE ), overwrite = TRUE )
# running haplinStrat, checking for gene-environment interactions
res.GxE <- haplinStrat( data.preproc, markers = 2, strata = 1, poo = FALSE,
response = "mult", reference = 2, use.missing = TRUE )
# running haplinStrat, checking for POO-environment interactions
res.POOxE <- haplinStrat( data.preproc, markers = c(1,2,3), strata = 1, poo = TRUE,
response = "mult", reference = "ref.cat", use.missing = TRUE )
if (FALSE) {
# All standard haplin runs can be done with haplinStrat.
# Below is an illustration. See the haplin help page for more
# examples.
# Analyzing the effect of fetal genes, including triads with missing data,
# using a multiplicative response model. The first column of the data file
# in this example contains the stratification variable.
result <- haplinStrat("C:/work/data.dat", strata = 1, use.missing = T, response = "mult",
reference = "ref.cat", winlength = 1)
# Provide summary of separate results:
lapply(result, summary)
# Plot results separately:
par(ask = T)
lapply(result, plot)
# Convert results to table format and stack them over strata:
# Test for interaction between haplotype risk estimates and the strata variable:
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab