par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
plot(x=1:100, y=sin(1:100), type="l", bty="n", xlim=c(1,200), xlab="x", ylab="y")
xlim= ScalePreviousPlot()$xlim[1:2]
ylim= ScalePreviousPlot()$ylim[1:2]
par(xaxs="r", yaxs="i")
plot(x=1:100, y=sin(1:100), type="l", bty="n", xlim=c(1,200), xlab="x", ylab="y")
xlim= ScalePreviousPlot()$xlim[1:2]
ylim= ScalePreviousPlot()$ylim[1:2]
# Here is an example of the use of the label output
plot(x=1:100, y=sin(1:100), type="l", bty="n", xlim=c(1,200), xlab="", ylab="")
text(x=ScalePreviousPlot()$xlim["label"], y=ScalePreviousPlot()$ylim["center"],
xpd=TRUE, "Legend for Y axes", pos=3, srt=90)
text(x=ScalePreviousPlot()$xlim["center"], y=ScalePreviousPlot()$ylim["label"],
xpd=TRUE, "Legend for X axes", pos=1)
Example to plot legend always in the same place
plot(x=1:100, y=sin(1:100), type="l", bty="n", xlim=c(1,200), xlab="", ylab="")
text(x=ScalePreviousPlot(x=0.95, y=0.05)$x,
y=ScalePreviousPlot(x=0.95, y=0.05)$y,
labels="A", cex=2)
plot(x=0:1, y=0:1, type="p", bty="n")
text(x=ScalePreviousPlot(x=0.95, y=0.05)$x,
y=ScalePreviousPlot(x=0.95, y=0.05)$y,
labels="B", cex=2)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab