alpha <- c(1, 2, 5, 1, 2)
p <- c(0.1, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.14)
dSnbinom(20, size=alpha, prob=p)
dSnbinom(20, size=alpha, prob=p, log=TRUE)
dSnbinom(20, size=2, mu=c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03))
dSnbinom(20, size=2, mu=c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03), log=TRUE)
# Test with a single distribution
dSnbinom(20, size=1, mu=20)
# when only one distribution is available, it is the same as dnbinom()
dnbinom(20, size=1, mu=20)
# If a parameter is supplied as only one value, it is supposed to be constant
dSnbinom(20, size=1, mu=c(14, 15, 10))
# The function is vectorized:
plot(0:200, dSnbinom(0:200, size=alpha, prob=p), bty="n", type="h", xlab="x", ylab="Density")
# Comparison with simulated distribution using rep replicates
alpha <- c(2.1, 2.05, 2)
mu <- c(10, 30, 20)
rep <- 100000
distEmpirique <- rSnbinom(rep, size=alpha, mu=mu)
tabledistEmpirique <- rep(0, 301)
names(tabledistEmpirique) <- as.character(0:300)
tabledistEmpirique[names(table(distEmpirique))] <- table(distEmpirique)/rep
plot(0:300, dSnbinom(0:300, size=alpha, mu=mu), type="h", bty="n",
xlab="x", ylab="Density", ylim=c(0,0.02))
plot_add(0:300, tabledistEmpirique, type="l", col="red")
legend(x=200, y=0.02, legend=c("Empirical", "Theoretical"),
text.col=c("red", "black"), bty="n")
# Example with the approximation mu=mean(mu)
plot(0:300, dSnbinom(0:300, size=alpha, mu=mu), type="h", bty="n",
xlab="x", ylab="Density", ylim=c(0,0.02))
plot_add(0:300, tabledistEmpirique, type="l", col="red")
legend(x=200, y=0.02, legend=c("Empirical", "Theoretical"),
text.col=c("red", "black"), bty="n")
# example to fit the distribution
data <- rnbinom(1000, size=1, mu=10)
ag <- rep(1:100, 10)
r <- aggregate(data, by=list(ag), FUN=sum)
parx <- c(size=1, mu=10)
dSnbinomx <- function(x, par) {
-sum(dSnbinom(x=x[,2], mu=rep(par["mu"], 10), size=par["size"], log=TRUE))
fit_mu_size <- optim(par = parx, fn=dSnbinomx, x=r, method="BFGS", control=c(trace=TRUE))
# }
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