if (FALSE) {
print('Examples for mcmcComposite objects')
x <- rnorm(30, 10, 2)
dnormx <- function(x, par) return(-sum(dnorm(x, mean=par['mean'], sd=par['sd'], log=TRUE)))
parameters_mcmc <- data.frame(Density=c('dnorm', 'dlnorm'),
Prior1=c(10, 0.5), Prior2=c(2, 0.5), SDProp=c(0.35, 0.2),
Min=c(-3, 0), Max=c(100, 10), Init=c(10, 2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names=c('mean', 'sd'))
mcmc_run <- MHalgoGen(n.iter=100000, parameters=parameters_mcmc, data=x,
likelihood=dnormx, n.chains=1, n.adapt=100, thin=1, trace=1)
plot(mcmc_run, xlim=c(0, 20))
plot(mcmc_run, xlim=c(0, 10), parameters="sd")
mcmcforcoda <- as.mcmc(mcmc_run)
# Optimal rejection rate should be 0.234
acf(mcmcforcoda[[1]][,"mean"], lag.max=20, bty="n", las=1)
acf(mcmcforcoda[[1]][,"sd"], lag.max=20, bty="n", las=1)
batchSE(mcmcforcoda, batchSize=100)
# The batch standard error procedure is usually thought to
# be not as accurate as the time series methods used in summary
summary(mcmcforcoda)$statistics[,"Time-series SE"]
lastp <- as.parameters(mcmc_run, index="last")
parameters_mcmc[,"Init"] <- lastp
# The n.adapt set to 1 is used to not record the first set of parameters
# then it is not duplicated (as it is also the last one for
# the object mcmc_run)
mcmc_run2 <- MHalgoGen(n.iter=10000, parameters=parameters_mcmc, data=x,
likelihood=dnormx, n.chains=1, n.adapt=1, thin=1, trace=1)
mcmc_run3 <- merge(mcmc_run, mcmc_run2)
####### no adaptation, n.adapt must be 0
parameters_mcmc[,"Init"] <- c(mean(x), sd(x))
mcmc_run3 <- MHalgoGen(n.iter=10000, parameters=parameters_mcmc, data=x,
likelihood=dnormx, n.chains=1, n.adapt=0, thin=1, trace=1)
print('Examples for Daily patterns of temperature')
# Generate a timeserie of time
time.obs <- NULL
for (i in 0:9) time.obs <- c(time.obs, c(0, 6, 12, 18)+i*24)
# For these time, generate a timeseries of temperatures
temp.obs <- rep(NA, length(time.obs))
temp.obs[3+(0:9)*4] <- rnorm(10, 25, 3)
temp.obs[1+(0:9)*4] <- rnorm(10, 10, 3)
for (i in 1:(length(time.obs)-1))
if (is.na(temp.obs[i]))
temp.obs[i] <- mean(c(temp.obs[i-1], temp.obs[i+1]))
if (is.na(temp.obs[length(time.obs)]))
temp.obs[length(time.obs)] <- temp.obs[length(time.obs)-1]/2
observed <- data.frame(time=time.obs, temperature=temp.obs)
# Search for the minimum and maximum values
r <- minmax.periodic(time.minmax.daily=c(Min=2, Max=15),
observed=observed, period=24)
# Estimate all the temperatures for these values
t <- temperature.periodic(minmax=r)
plot_errbar(x=t[,"time"], y=t[,"temperature"],
errbar.y=ifelse(is.na(t[,"sd"]), 0, 2*t[,"sd"]),
type="l", las=1, bty="n", errbar.y.polygon = TRUE,
xlab="hours", ylab="Temperatures", ylim=c(0, 35),
errbar.y.polygon.list = list(col="grey"))
plot_add(x=t[,"time"], y=t[,"temperature"], type="l")
# How many times this package has been download
HelpersMG <- cran_downloads("HelpersMG", from = "2015-04-07",
to = Sys.Date() - 1)
plot(HelpersMG$date, HelpersMG$count, type="l", bty="n")
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