Performs the expectation step of the EM algorithm for a dthmm
process. This function is called by the BaumWelch
function. The Baum-Welch algorithm referred to in the HMM literature is a version of the EM algorithm.
Estep(x, Pi, delta, distn, pm, pn = NULL)
A list
object is returned with the following components.
an \(n \times m\) matrix containing estimates of the conditional expectations. See “Details”.
an \(n \times m \times m\) array containing estimates of the conditional expectations. See “Details”.
the current value of the log-likelihood.
is a vector of length \(n\) containing the observed process.
is the current estimate of the \(m \times m\) transition probability matrix of the hidden Markov chain.
is a character string with the distribution name, e.g. "norm"
or "pois"
. If the distribution is specified as "wxyz"
then a probability (or density) function called "dwxyz"
should be available, in the standard R format (e.g. dnorm
or dpois
is a list object containing the current (Markov dependent) parameter estimates associated with the distribution of the observed process (see dthmm
is a list object containing the observation dependent parameter values associated with the distribution of the observed process (see dthmm
is the current estimate of the marginal probability distribution of the \(m\) hidden states.
The algorithm has been taken from Zucchini (2005).
Let \(u_{ij}\) be one if \(C_i=j\) and zero otherwise. Further, let \(v_{ijk}\) be one if \(C_{i-1}=j\) and \(C_i=k\), and zero otherwise. Let \(X^{(n)}\) contain the complete observed process. Then, given the current model parameter estimates, the returned value u[i,j]
\widehat{u}_{ij} = \mbox{E}[u_{ij} \, | \, X^{(n)}] = \Pr\{C_i=j \, | \, X^{(n)} = x^{(n)} \} \,,
and v[i,j,k]
\widehat{v}_{ijk} = \mbox{E}[v_{ijk} \, | \, X^{(n)}] = \Pr\{C_{i-1}=j, C_i=k \, | \, X^{(n)} = x^{(n)} \}\,,
where \(j,k = 1, \cdots, m\) and \(i = 1, \cdots, n\).
Cited references are listed on the HiddenMarkov manual page.
, Mstep