# Gaussian with identity link function
# using mmglm0
delta <- c(0,1)
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2,
0.3, 0.7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
beta <- matrix(c(0.1, -0.1,
1.0, 5.0),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
x <- mmglm0(NULL, Pi, delta, family="gaussian", link="identity",
beta=beta, sigma=c(1, 2))
n <- 1000
x <- simulate(x, nsim=n, seed=10)
# Increase maxiter below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
y <- BaumWelch(x, bwcontrol(maxiter=2))
w <- hist(residuals(y))
z <- seq(-3, 3, 0.01)
points(z, dnorm(z)*n*(w$breaks[2]-w$breaks[1]), col="red", type="l")
# Gaussian with log link function
# using mmglm1
n <- 1000
# the range of x needs changing according to the glmfamily
x <- seq(-0.9, 1.5, length.out=n)
colour <- c("blue", "green", "red")
colnum <- rep(1:3, n/3+1)[1:n] - 1
data <- data.frame(x=x, colour=colour[colnum+1])
# will simulate response variable, not required in formula
# design matrix only depends on RHS of formula
glmformula <- formula( ~ x + I(x^2) + colour)
glmfamily <- gaussian(link="log")
Xdesign <- model.matrix(glmformula, data=data)
# --- Parameter Values and Simulation ---
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2,
0.3, 0.7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
delta <- c(1, 0)
sd <- c(1.2, 1)
beta <- matrix(c(-1, -1.2,
-2, -1.8,
3, 2.8,
1, 0.8,
2, 2.2),
ncol=ncol(Pi), nrow=ncol(Xdesign), byrow=TRUE)
y <- mmglm1(NULL, Pi, delta, glmfamily, beta, Xdesign, sigma=sd)
y <- simulate(y, seed=5)
# --- Estimation ---
# Increase maxiter below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
tmp <- BaumWelch(y, bwcontrol(posdiff=FALSE, maxiter=2))
# Binomial with logit link function
# using mmglm1
# n = series length
n <- 1000
# the range of x need changing according to the glmfamily
x <- seq(-1, 1.5, length.out=n)
colour <- c("blue", "green", "red")
colnum <- rep(1:3, n/3+1)[1:n] - 1
data <- data.frame(x=x, colour=colour[colnum+1])
glmformula <- formula( ~ x + I(x^2) + colour)
glmfamily <- binomial(link="logit")
Xdesign <- model.matrix(glmformula, data=data)
# --- Parameter Values and Simulation ---
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2,
0.3, 0.7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
delta <- c(1, 0)
beta <- matrix(c(-1, -1.2,
-2, -1.8,
3, 2.8,
1, 0.8,
2, 2.2),
ncol=ncol(Pi), nrow=ncol(Xdesign), byrow=TRUE)
y <- mmglm1(NULL, Pi, delta, glmfamily, beta, Xdesign, sigma=sd,
size=rep(100, n))
# each element of y$y is the number of successes in 100 Bernoulli trials
y <- simulate(y, seed=5)
# --- Estimation ---
# Increase maxiter below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
tmp <- BaumWelch(y, bwcontrol(posdiff=FALSE, maxiter=2))
# Gaussian with log link function, longitudinal data
# using mmglmlong1
# n = series length for each subject
# N = number of subjects
n <- 5
N <- 1000
# the range of x need changing according to the glmfamily
x <- seq(-0.9, 1.5, length.out=n)
colour <- c("blue", "green", "red")
colnum <- rep(1:3, n/3+1)[1:n] - 1
data <- data.frame(x=x, colour=colour[colnum+1])
# will simulate response variable, not required in formula
# design matrix only depends on RHS of formula
glmformula <- formula( ~ x + I(x^2) + colour)
glmfamily <- gaussian(link="log")
Xdesign0 <- model.matrix(glmformula, data=data)
# multiple subjects
Xdesign <- NULL
for (i in 1:N) Xdesign <- rbind(Xdesign, Xdesign0)
# --- Parameter Values and Simulation ---
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2,
0.3, 0.7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
delta <- c(0.5, 0.5)
sd <- c(1.2, 1)
beta <- matrix(c(-1, -1.2,
-2, -1.8,
3, 2.8,
1, 0.8,
2, 2.2),
ncol=ncol(Pi), nrow=ncol(Xdesign), byrow=TRUE)
y <- mmglmlong1(NULL, Pi, delta, glmfamily, beta, Xdesign, sigma=sd,
longitude=rep(1:N, each=n))
y <- simulate(y, seed=5)
# --- Estimation ---
# Note: the "Not run" blocks below are not run during package checks
# as the makePSOCKcluster definition is specific to my network,
# modify accordingly if you want parallel processing.
cl <- NULL
if (FALSE) {
if (require(parallel)){
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(c("localhost", "horoeka.localdomain",
"horoeka.localdomain", "localhost"))
# Increase maxiter below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
tmp <- BaumWelch(y, bwcontrol(posdiff=FALSE, maxiter=2),
if (FALSE) {
if (!is.null(cl)){
# Binomial with logit link function, longitudinal data
# using mmglmlong1
# n = series length for each subject
# N = number of subjects
n <- 10
N <- 100
# the range of x need changing according to the glmfamily
x <- seq(-1, 1.5, length.out=n)
colour <- c("blue", "green", "red")
colnum <- rep(1:3, n/3+1)[1:n] - 1
data <- data.frame(x=x, colour=colour[colnum+1])
glmformula <- formula( ~ x + I(x^2) + colour)
glmfamily <- binomial(link="logit")
Xdesign0 <- model.matrix(glmformula, data=data)
# multiple subjects
Xdesign <- NULL
for (i in 1:N) Xdesign <- rbind(Xdesign, Xdesign0)
# --- Parameter Values and Simulation ---
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.2,
0.3, 0.7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=2)
delta <- c(0.5, 0.5)
beta <- matrix(c(-1, -1.2,
-2, -1.8,
3, 2.8,
1, 0.8,
2, 2.2),
ncol=ncol(Pi), nrow=ncol(Xdesign), byrow=TRUE)
y <- mmglmlong1(NULL, Pi, delta, glmfamily, beta, Xdesign, sigma=sd,
longitude=rep(1:N, each=n), size=rep(200, N*n))
y <- simulate(y, seed=5)
# --- Estimation ---
# Increase maxiter below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
tmp <- BaumWelch(y, bwcontrol(posdiff=FALSE, maxiter=1))
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