# Example where the Markov chain is assumed to be stationary
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
0.1, 0.6, 0.3,
0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
# start simulation in state 2
delta <- c(0, 1, 0)
x <- dthmm(NULL, Pi, delta, "exp", list(rate=c(5, 2, 0.2)), nonstat=FALSE)
x <- simulate(x, nsim=5000, seed=5)
# Approximate solution using BaumWelch
x1 <- BaumWelch(x, control=bwcontrol(maxiter=10, tol=1e-5))
# Exact solution using nlm
allmap <- function(y, p){
# maps vector back to delta, Pi and rate
m <- sqrt(length(p))
y$Pi <- vector2Pi(p[1:(m*(m-1))])
y$pm$rate <- exp(p[(m^2-m+1):(m^2)])
y$delta <- compdelta(Pi)
p <- c(Pi2vector(x$Pi), log(x$pm$rate))
# Increase iterlim below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
z <- nlm(neglogLik, p, object=x, pmap=allmap,
print.level=2, gradtol=0.000001, iterlim=2)
x2 <- allmap(x, z$estimate)
# compare parameter estimates
# Estimate only the off diagonal elements in the matrix Pi
# Hold all others as in the simulation
# This function maps the changeable parameters into the
# dthmm object - done within the function neglogLik
# The logit-like transform removes boundaries
Pi <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
0.1, 0.6, 0.3,
0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
delta <- c(0, 1, 0)
x <- dthmm(NULL, Pi, delta, "exp", list(rate=c(5, 3, 1)))
x <- simulate(x, nsim=5000, seed=5)
offdiagmap <- function(y, p){
# rows must sum to one
invlogit <- function(eta)
y$Pi[1,2] <- (1-y$Pi[1,1])*invlogit(p[1])
y$Pi[1,3] <- 1-y$Pi[1,1]-y$Pi[1,2]
y$Pi[2,1] <- (1-y$Pi[2,2])*invlogit(p[2])
y$Pi[2,3] <- 1-y$Pi[2,1]-y$Pi[2,2]
y$Pi[3,1] <- (1-y$Pi[3,3])*invlogit(p[3])
y$Pi[3,2] <- 1-y$Pi[3,1]-y$Pi[3,3]
z <- nlm(neglogLik, c(0, 0, 0), object=x, pmap=offdiagmap,
print.level=2, gradtol=0.000001)
# x1 contains revised parameter estimates
x1 <- offdiagmap(x, z$estimate)
# print revised values of Pi
# print log-likelihood using original and revised values
# Fully estimate both Q and lambda for an MMPP Process
Q <- matrix(c(-8, 5, 3,
1, -4, 3,
2, 5, -7),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)/25
lambda <- c(5, 3, 1)
delta <- c(0, 1, 0)
# simulate some data
x <- mmpp(NULL, Q, delta, lambda)
x <- simulate(x, nsim=5000, seed=5)
allmap <- function(y, p){
# maps vector back to Pi and rate
m <- sqrt(length(p))
y$Q <- vector2Q(p[1:(m*(m-1))])
y$lambda <- exp(p[(m^2-m+1):(m^2)])
# Start by using the EM algorithm
x1 <- BaumWelch(x, control=bwcontrol(maxiter=10, tol=0.01))
# use above as initial values for the nlm function
# map parameters to a single vector, fixed delta
p <- c(Q2vector(x1$Q), log(x1$lambda))
# Complete estimation using nlm
# Increase iterlim below to achieve convergence
# Has been restricted to minimise time of package checks
z <- nlm(neglogLik, p, object=x, pmap=allmap,
print.level=2, gradtol=0.000001, iterlim=5)
# mmpp object with estimated parameter values from nlm
x2 <- allmap(x, z$estimate)
# compare log-likelihoods
# print final parameter estimates
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