## Some preliminary exploration ##
boxplot(ZeaMays[,c("cross", "self")], ylab="Height (in)", xlab="Fertilization")
# examine large individual diff/ces
largediff <- subset(ZeaMays, abs(diff) > 2*sd(abs(diff)))
with(largediff, segments(1, cross, 2, self, col="red"))
# plot cross vs. self. NB: unusual trend and some unusual points
with(ZeaMays, plot(self, cross, pch=16, cex=1.5))
abline(lm(cross ~ self, data=ZeaMays), col="red", lwd=2)
# pot effects ?
anova(lm(diff ~ pot, data=ZeaMays))
## Tests of mean difference ##
# Wilcoxon signed rank test
# signed ranks:
with(ZeaMays, sign(diff) * rank(abs(diff)))
wilcox.test(ZeaMays$cross, ZeaMays$self, conf.int=TRUE, exact=FALSE)
# t-tests
with(ZeaMays, t.test(cross, self))
with(ZeaMays, t.test(diff))
# complete permutation distribution of diff, for all 2^15 ways of assigning
# one value to cross and the other to self (thx: Bert Gunter)
N <- nrow(ZeaMays)
allmeans <- as.matrix(expand.grid(as.data.frame(
matrix(rep(c(-1,1),N), nr =2)))) %*% abs(ZeaMays$diff) / N
# upper-tail p-value
sum(allmeans > mean(ZeaMays$diff)) / 2^N
# two-tailed p-value
sum(abs(allmeans) > mean(ZeaMays$diff)) / 2^N
hist(allmeans, breaks=64, xlab="Mean difference, cross-self",
main="Histogram of all mean differences")
abline(v=c(1, -1)*mean(ZeaMays$diff), col="red", lwd=2, lty=1:2)
plot(density(allmeans), xlab="Mean difference, cross-self",
main="Density plot of all mean differences")
abline(v=c(1, -1)*mean(ZeaMays$diff), col="red", lwd=2, lty=1:2)
# }
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