if (FALSE) {
mtcars$hp[1:5] <- NA
mtcars$wt[1:10] <- NA
myrform <- ~ wt + hp + I(carb)
mytranscan <- transcan( myrform, data = mtcars, imputed = TRUE,
pl = FALSE, pr = FALSE, trantab = TRUE, long = TRUE)
myareg <- aregImpute(myrform, data = mtcars, x=TRUE, n.impute = 5)
completer(mytranscan) # single completed dataset
completer(myareg, 3, oneimpute = TRUE)
# single completed dataset based on the `n.impute`th set of multiple imputation
completer(myareg, 3)
# list of completed datasets based on first `nimpute` sets of multiple imputation
# list of completed datasets based on all available sets of multiple imputation
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