x <- runif(1000, 0, 100)
z <- cut2(x, c(10,20,30))
table(cut2(x, g=10)) # quantile groups
table(cut2(x, m=50)) # group x into intevals with at least 50 obs.
table(cutGn(x, m=50, what='factor'))
f <- cutGn(x, m=50, what='function')
f(c(-1, 2, 10), what='mean')
f(c(-1, 2, 10), what='factor')
if (FALSE) {
x <- round(runif(200000), 3)
system.time(a <- cutGn(x, m=20)) # 0.02s
system.time(b <- cutGn(x, m=20, rcode=TRUE)) # 1.51s
identical(a, b)
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