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Hmisc (version 5.2-3)

extractlabs: extractlabs


Extract Labels and Units From Multiple Datasets


extractlabs(..., print = TRUE)


a data table



one ore more data frames or data tables


set to FALSE to not print details about variables with conflicting attributes


Frank Harrell


For one or more data frames/tables extracts all labels and units and comb ines them over dataset, dropping any variables not having either labels or units defined. The resulting data table is returned and is used by the hlab function if the user stores the result in an objectnamed LabelsUnits. The result is NULL if no variable in any dataset has a non-blank label or units. Variables found in more than one dataset with duplicate label and units are consolidated. A warning message is issued when duplicate variables have conflicting labels or units, and by default, details are printed. No attempt is made to resolve these conflicts.

See Also

label(), contents(), units(), hlab()


Run this code
d <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=(1:10)/10)
d <- upData(d, labels=c(x='X', y='Y'), units=c(x='mmHg'), print=FALSE)
d2 <- d
units(d2$x) <- 'cm'
LabelsUnits <- extractlabs(d, d2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab