This function reduces the columns of a qibd.out file created by
ibd_haplo by summing probabilities over certain columns. When reducing
an output file that was run on haplotypes, this script will sum over
columns 1-8 (other), 9-10 (2 pairs chrs. ibd), 11-14 (one pair of
chrs. ibd),and 15 (no ibd). When reducing a file from genotypic date,
the corresponding columns are summed over so that they reflect the
same values ( other, one pair ibd, two pairs ibd, not ibd). A file will then be output with these
probabilites displayed just like the original ibd_haplo output qibd
The filename of the qibd.out file the is produced from running
ibd_haplo. This is to be input as a character string. In the
examples, this file is called "".
The filename of the .dat file used to run ibd_haplo. This is the
complicated parameter file that consists of three lines of values /
indicators that tells ibd_haplo what to do. In the examples, this
files is called "compu_4haps.dat".
The name of the file that this function will print to. In the
examples, this filename is "test.file.txt".
A txt document the looks exactly like the qibd file input, but the ibd
state probabilities per marker are summed over in the manner described