ids_phased: Example MORGAN IBDhaplo output
These files are example output from the MORGAN IBDhaplo program. There
is an ids and qibd file produced in each IBDhaplo run. This output is
from two runs, each on the same original data one of which was
genotypic (unphased) and one of which was haplotypic (phased). The true
ibd states of the data are given in trueibd_phased, in terms of
haplotypic IBD states. There is also the vector posvec which gives the positions of each of the
2000 SNPs used in the data files.
Please refer to the MORGAN IBDhaplo documentation for information on
how to generate these files and what they contain.
ids files contain a 4x11 matrix, qibd files contain an 8000x18 matrix.Source
MORGAN IBDhaploReferences