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IBrokers (version 0.10-2)

reqHistoricalData: Request Historical Data From TWS


Makes a request to the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation (TWS), and returns an xts object containing the results of the request if successful.


                  barSize = "1 day",
                  duration = "1 M",
                  useRTH = "1",
                  whatToShow = "TRADES", 
                  timeFormat = "1",
                  tzone = "",
                  verbose = TRUE,
                  tickerId = "1",

reqHistory(conn, Contract, barSize, ...)


Returns an xts object containing the requested data, along with additional information stored in the objects xtsAttributes, unless callback or file is specified.



a twsConnection object


a twsContract


end date/time for request. See details.


bar size to retrieve


time span the request will cover


limited to regular trading hours


type of data to be extracted


POSIX style or seconds from 1970-01-01


time zone of the resulting intraday series (if applicable)


should progress be documented


a unique id to associte with the request


callback function to process data


file to write data to


args to pass to reqHistoricalData


Jeffrey A. Ryan


The reqHistory function is a simple wrapper to request maximal history from IB. It is meant to be used directlty, or as a template for new wrappers.

All arguments should be character strings. Attempts will be made to coerce, but should not be relied upon.

The endDateTime argument must be of the form 'CCYYMMDD HH:MM:SS TZ'. If not specified the current time as returned from the TWS server will be used. This is the preferred method for backfilling data. The ‘TZ’ portion of the string is optional.

Legal barSize values are ‘1 secs’,‘5 secs’,‘15 secs’, ‘30 mins’,‘1 min’,‘2 mins’, ‘3 mins’,‘5 mins’,‘15 mins’, ‘30 mins’,‘1 hour’,‘1 day’, ‘1 week’,‘1 month’,‘3 months’, and ‘1 year’.

Partial matching is attempted, but it is best to specify the barSize value exactly as they are given above. There is no guarantee from the API that all will work for all securities or durations.

The duration string must be of the form ‘n u’ where ‘n’ is an integer and ‘u’ is one of: ‘S’ (seconds), ‘D’ (days), ‘W’ (weeks), ‘M’ (months), or ‘Y’ (year). For example, ‘1 W’ would return one week of data. At present the limit for years is 1.

useRTH takes either ‘1’ or ‘0’, indicating the request to return only regular trade hour data, or all data, respectively.

whatToShow can be any one of the following, though depending on the overall request it may not succeed. ‘TRADES’, ‘MIDPOINT’, ‘BID’, ‘ASK’, ‘BID_ASK’.

time.format should simply be left alone. :D

eventHistoricalData accepts a user function to process the raw data returned by the TWS. This consists of a character vector that includes the first five elements of header information, with the fifth element specifying the number of rows in the results set. Passing NULL to eventHistoricalData will return the raw character vector. If nothing is specified, an xts object is returned.

The eventHistoricalData function, if any, is called after all data has been received by the client.

The file argument calls write.table to produce output suitable to reading in by read.csv. The file argument is passed to the write.table call, and if an empty string will return the output to the console.

The hasGaps column is converted automatically from (true,false) to 1 or 0, respectively.


Interactive Brokers https://www.interactivebrokers.com

See Also

twsContract, twsConnect


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
tws <- twsConnect()
contract <- twsEquity('QQQQ','SMART','ISLAND')

# by default retreives 30 days of daily data
reqHistoricalData(tws, Contract=contract)

# by default retreives a year of 1 minute bars
Sys.sleep(10) # mandatory 10s between request to avoid IB pacing violation
reqHistory(tws, Contract=contract)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab