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IMP (version 1.1)

staticPerfMeasures: Model evaluation measures for Binary classification models


Generates & plots the following performance evaluation & validation measures for Binary Classification Models - Hosmer Lemeshow goodness of fit tests, Calibration plots, Lift index & gain charts & concordance-discordance measures


staticPerfMeasures(list_models, g, perf_measures = c("hosmer", "calibration", "lift", "concord"), sample_size_concord = 5000)


A list of one (or more) dataframes for each model whose performance is to be evaluated. Each dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column providing the raw predicted probabilities
The number of groups for binning. The predicted probabilities are binned as follows

For Hosmer-Lemshow (HL) test: Predicted probabilities binned as per g unique quantiles i.e. cut_points = unique(quantile(predicted_prob,seq(0,1,1/g)))

For Lift-Index & Gain charts: Same as HL test, however if g > unique(predicted_probability), the predicted probabilities are used as such without binning

For calibration plots, g equal sized intervals are created (of width 1/g each)

Select the required performance evaluation and validation measure/s, from the following options - c('hosmer','calibration','lift','concord'). Default option is All
For computing concordance-discordance measures (and c-statistic) a random sample is drawn from each dataset (if nrow(dataset) > 5000). Default sample size of 5000 can be adjusted by changing the value of this argument


A nested list with 2 components - a list of dataframes and a list of plots - containing the outcomes of the different performance evaluations carried out.


Run this code
model_1 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length,data=iris,family=binomial)
model_2 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris, family = binomial)
df1 <- data.frame(model_1$y,fitted(model_1))
df2 <- data.frame(model_2$y,fitted(model_2))
staticPerfMeasures(list(df1,df2),g=10, perf_measures = c("hosmer","lift"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab