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IRATER (version 0.0.1)

run.IRATE.example: compile and run preinstalled example IRATE-model setups


compile and run preinstalled example IRATE-model setups


run.IRATE.example(setup.name, run.folder, ...)


Character string defining preinstalled IRATE example setups/datasets to be run. If missing or not valid, the user will be asked to choose among valid examples. Check IRATE.examples() for valid, preinstalled IRATE examples.
Character string defining the folder in which the selected example shall be run. If missing a folder, named after the example setup file, will be created in the current working directory.
Further arguments to be passed to run.IRATE

See Also

To check model setup files see: read.dat and make.dat. For run results see: read.rep and read.par. To delete run files see: clean.IRATE. For more information on admb model compiliation and run prodcudres see: compile_admb and run_admb from the R2admb-package


Run this code
### setup example not specified, user will be prompted to select among exisisting example setups:
# run.IRATE.example() 

### example name specified
# run.IRATE.example("JiangADCR")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab